IN order to connect yourself to the current of Belial and acquire his powers you have to invoke the demon king and embrace his Draconian energy as your own. By doing this, we awaken and develop our own psychic potential, thus becoming like gods and spirits ourselves. We acquire their powers, skills and attributes, which allows us to protect and empower ourselves on the path, manifesting our intent by the power of our Will alone, and it also successively brings us closer to Godhood.



It is important to note that demon invocation can be a complex and potentially risky practice.
  • Always approach the invocation with respect for the demon and their free will.
  • Seek consent or permission from the demon before invoking their presence, if appropriate within your belief system.
  • Treat the demon with respect and reverence, acknowledging their power and individuality.
      • Clearly communicate your intentions, questions, or desires during the invocation.
      • Maintain a respectful and focused mindset when interacting with the demon.
      • Listen carefully for any messages, insights, or guidance that the demon may offer.
    1. Ending the Invocation:

      • Properly conclude the invocation by expressing gratitude and respectfully dismissing the presence of the demon.
      • Use specific rituals or invocations designed for ending the connection.
      • Close the ritual space and ensure that all energies are properly grounded or banished.


The sigil of Belial and those connected with his rites presented in this grimoire Pictures or statues of the demon king

 Candles - one black and one white, representing the Dayside and the Nightside aspects of his current

 Incense - Dragon’s Blood or Musk

 Ritual blade or another tool to draw blood 

A hooded robe or another ritual garment 


Light both candles and burn the incense. Stand or sit in a comfortable position, with the sigil of Belial in front of you, and anoint the sigil with your blood. You can trace the lines of the sigil or simply place a few drops of blood on it, but not too much, as the shape should still be visible. When this is done, focus all your attention on it. Visualize that the blood awakens the sigil as a gateway and makes it alive. Envision it charged and activated with your life substance, glowing and flashing. At the same time vibrate eleven times the name “Belial.” While doing this, imagine the energy of the demon king flowing through the sigil and entering your body through the Third Eye. Feel how this energy spreads over your entire body and you are being charged from the soles of your feet to the top of the head. This energy is hot and fiery, vibrating in every part of your body. At the same time, feel how the atmosphere in your ritual space changes and becomes charged as well. See the incense smoke morphing and shaping into a vague figure of the demon king, not yet fully manifested, but awaiting your invitation. 


When you feel ready, speak the following invocation:

I invoke Belial,

Guardian of the Gate to the Abyss,

Lord of the spirits of darkness,

Mighty and powerful king!

I summon the keeper of arcane knowledge,

He who was created next after Lucifer,

Who rides in a chariot of fire,

And speaks with the voice of angels and demons!

Lord Belial,

Come through the gate of the seven pointed star,

Arise from your abode in the wastelands of civilizations,

And from beneath the sands of time!

Answer my calling and reveal your presence to me


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