In this ritual Azazel is invoked as Lucifer in his aspect of the adversary and the spirit of

rebellion. The purpose of this working is to experience the consciousness of the initiator of

the path of isolation—the Way of the Serpent or the Left Hand Path. As the adversary,

Azazel personifies all transgression, wickedness, and rebellion as opposed to the laws of

God. Therefore, his “kingdom” is believed to be in the wilderness or the desert—the place

of ruin and desolation. He walks alone, powerful and independent, destroying everything

that stands in his way, and this is also what he teaches to his followers.

Begin the ritual in the usual manner—focus for a moment on the sigil of Azazel, at the

same time chanting the following mantra of calling:

Azazel-Lucifer, spirit of rebellion,

Guide me on the path of the adversary!

As you chant, feel his fiery energy flowing through the sigil and his presence in the

temple, awaiting invitation to enter your consciousness. When you feel ready, begin the


With the ritual blade draw the symbol of the trident in the air. Envision it burning with

red and golden flames of Lucifer, then say:

With the Flaming Trident I open the Gates to the Void

And I invoke Azazel, the Scapegoat and the Adversary, 

To come to my temple and manifest!

In the name of the Dragon,

Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

I, (magical name) invoke the spirit of rebellion,

Fire that purifies and consumes all,

Lord of the majesty of the earth,

Initiator of the Left Hand Path!

Azazel-Lucifer, come forth from the shadows

I call you by fire and blood, darkness and light, pain and pleasure!

Come to me, powerful and independent, 

And awaken within me your eternal fire that shall burn all obstacles on my path!

Cloak me in the skin of the serpent,

The wolf, and the goat,

And lead me to the heart of your desert,

to find death and rebirth in desolation and wilderness.

Baptize me in the blood of the Serpent,

And let me rise from the dead, immortal and awakened!

Free me from bonds that enslave me,

And make me strong in my will!

Lord of the crooked path, teach me the mysteries of witchcraft!

Master Alchemist, transform me in the hearth of primal fire!

Father of Sin, reveal to me the secret of freedom through transgression!

Come to me, Azazel-Lucifer,

For I stand at the crossroads of the worlds,

Ready to embrace the wisdom of the ancients!

Focus now on your third eye. Feel how it opens and receives the vision of Azazel as

Lucifer—the adversary and initiator of the Left Hand Path. See his figure forming from the

shadows, responding to your calling, and merging with your consciousness, and open

yourself to whatever may come. Visualize him as a half-man, half-serpent, with wings and

flaming eyes, holding a human skull in his hands. The skull is on fire, representing the

eroto-thanatotic nature of Azazel’s path based on sexuality and mysteries of death and

bloodshed. He comes surrounded by fire, darkness, and smoke, and you may wish to use

strong incense, such as musk or dragon’s blood, to empower this work.

Azazel’s consciousness makes you bold, self-confident, and independent, lusting for

knowledge and power, and ready to cross any barrier and tear down any veil that would

separate you from attaining your goals. He can endow you with courage to reach for

whatever you want, regardless of consequences, and he will prompt you to acts of

transgression, overthrowing taboos, and exploring things forbidden. There is nothing you

would see as a barrier or limitation under the influence of this consciousness, and it is

recommended to be careful while venturing on this path because it can get you into a lot of

trouble in your daily life if you stop seeing the boundary between what is permitted and

what is forbidden. Azazel will give you enough courage to do whatever you please, but you

will have to face the consequences of your actions alone.

Whatever way this experience goes, embrace it and open yourself to visions and insights

that may come to you in this meditation. When you feel ready to close the working, do it

with the traditional words:

And so it is done!

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