Working with Lilith is a personal experience, unique and intimate for all of us. Always will be about what we are looking for, and the concrete aspect of we will work ritually. Thus, we could find that Lilith could be a protective figure, nice, sweet, young, but other times, she’s despotic and complex to please. In some visions, she’s young and sensual, but in others, she’s old and dirty. All of these aspects are part of an only one Lilith, but each of one represents something unique, a different concept, a different power, and a different gnosis. Lilith leads us to walk in the path of self-salvation, tempting us with wisdom and power, the one which is outside of security and comfort zone. To achieve it, we must be ready to face our desires and repressed fantasies, face our personal shadow. Only accepting these dark aspects of the self, we will be able to achieve the self-salvation. Not all the experiences with Lilith will be similar, some could be painful, others full of passion, sex, and experimentation, but other with melancholy or full of Antinomianism. All of these always will be dependent on our spiritual needs to keep on in the self-initiatory path, but also is about the face of the goddess which we’re working on .always approach the works with Lilith with respect, remember that she will be your teacher, your ally and as a divinity older than mankind, should be treated with the respect that she deserves. Lilith doesn’t want a blind devotion, not a follower that could not think by himself, instead, she enjoys independence, and is one of her primal lessons. It’s possible to have an act of acknowledging to her and offering candles, flowers, incense, etc. to thanks her, but don’t mistake an offering with blind dependence. 


  1. Sexual Energy and Liberation: Lilith is often seen as a symbol of sexual empowerment, sensuality, and freedom. She is associated with embracing one's desires, exploring taboo aspects of sexuality, and breaking societal norms.

  2. Feminine Power and Independence: Lilith is often revered as a symbol of feminine strength, independence, and assertiveness. She represents the refusal to submit to male dominance and challenges traditional gender roles.

  3. Wisdom and Knowledge: Lilith is sometimes associated with possessing ancient wisdom, esoteric knowledge, and hidden mysteries. She is seen as a guardian of forbidden knowledge and the secrets of the occult.

  4. Seduction and Charisma: Lilith is often depicted as a seductive and alluring figure. She is believed to possess the power to entice and captivate others, particularly men, with her charm and beauty.

  5. Protection and Justice: In some traditions, Lilith is seen as a protector, especially of women and children. She is believed to offer guidance and support in situations involving injustice, abuse, or oppression.

  6. Shadow Work and Inner Healing: Lilith is sometimes associated with shadow work and embracing the darker aspects of the self. She is seen as a catalyst for self-discovery, confronting inner demons, and embracing personal growth.

Samael is seen as a powerful and complex figure. He is often associated with themes of transformation, spiritual rebellion, and initiation. Some view Samael as a force of liberation and the catalyst for breaking free from limitations and societal constraints.


  1. Death and Transformation: Samael is often associated with the power of death and the transformative process that occurs through endings and beginnings. He is seen as a force that facilitates the transition from one state of being to another, representing the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

  2. Judgment and Justice: In some traditions, Samael is regarded as a figure of divine judgment and justice. He is seen as an enforcer of cosmic laws and the administrator of consequences for one's actions. Samael represents the balancing of scales and the restoration of equilibrium.

  3. Spiritual Warfare: Samael is sometimes associated with spiritual battles and the struggle against negative forces or inner demons. He embodies the strength, courage, and determination needed to confront and overcome obstacles on the spiritual path.

  4. Dark Wisdom and Hidden Knowledge: Samael is sometimes considered a guardian of esoteric knowledge and hidden wisdom. He is associated with the exploration of the shadow self, the mysteries of the occult, and the pursuit of deeper spiritual understanding.

  5. Rebellion and Independence: In certain interpretations, Samael represents rebellion against oppressive systems and the courage to defy societal norms. He embodies the spirit of individuality, self-determination, and the pursuit of personal freedom.

  6. Energetic Protection: Samael is sometimes invoked for protection against spiritual or psychic attacks. He is believed to offer defense and shielding against negative energies, entities, or influences.

  - WINE



say mentally or aloud as a mantra: “Lilith, Mistress of the Night, Goddess of Sitra Ahra, come.” Try to attune yourself with the energies of the Goddess, open your mind and flow with the experience. When you feel ready, raise your ritual dagger and begin with the invocation
In Nomine Draconis!
In Nomine Nox!
That the ritual begins!
Dark Mother, who comes in the wings of the night. Lilith, hear my 
calling and come to me. I call you, Mother of Demons, Queen 
of the Night, who rules in the Sitra Ahra.
Creator and Destroyer, descend into me now, in this flesh that I 
offer as your temple. Mother of Sin, show me your true face and 
endow me with the wisdom of the night and Sitra Ahra


n say mentally or aloud as a mantra: “Samael, Lord of the Primal Night, God of Sitra Ahra, come.” Try to attune yourself with the energies of this God, open your mind and flow with the experience. When you feel ready, raise your ritual dagger and begin with the invocation

In Nomine Draconis!
In Nomine Nox!
That the ritual begins!
Old Serpent, Samael, hear my words and come. Lead me 
through the path of illumination and freedom. Fill me with your 
essence, Father of Demons, Prince of Darkness, Lord of Sitra 
Ahra. Creator and destroyer, descend into me now, in this fresh 
that I offer as your temple. Father of Sin, show me your true face 
and endow me with the wisdom of the night

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