ASTAROTH - Queen of the Infernal Abodes

 Astaroth is a powerful demoness often depicted as a seductive and alluring figure. She is associated with various aspects of love, sensuality, and beauty. In demonology, Astaroth is considered a Great Duke of Hell and is believed to command numerous legions of demons. She is known to possess deep knowledge of the occult and can grant insights into hidden secrets and mysteries. Astaroth is often invoked for matters related to love, lust, passion,  desire and wealth. She is a complex and enigmatic entity, and working with her requires caution and respect.

Astaroth is associated with various aspects of sexuality and sensuality. The connection between Astaroth and sex magick can be found in some occult texts and practices. Astaroth is sometimes invoked in rituals related to love, desire, attraction, and sexual energy. However, it's important to approach any form of magick, including sex magick, with respect, caution, and a thorough understanding of the practices involved.


For this ritual, you will need an altar space, and the following items:

Candles. Basic altar candles can be any color. I

prefer white and black. Use a red candle for

Astaroth in her daemonic aspect. It’s totally optional

to draw her sigil on this red candle. If so, use silver,

as that looks really cool.

Incense and Incense burner.

Specific candle for the purpose of the ritual.

Offering bowl.


Fireproof bowl, as you will burn the petition.

you will need a diabetic lancet

and her sigil printed on paper. This will act as her Daemonic offering. When

it comes time to give her the offering, prick your finger (doesn’t matter

which finger) and place a single drop of blood on her printed sigil. Then,

hold up the paper and say the offering statement, then burn the paper,

dropping the paper into a fireproof bowl. I use two aluminum pie plates to

hold paper when I burn it. I then stir the burning paper to make sure it

completely burns.

Light the incense and candles (except for the desire
Lights off.
Cast your circle and work the Banishing of the
Pentagram if it is needed.
Settle yourself in and relax.
Breathe deeply and allow yourself to go into a slight
trance state.
Meditate for a moment on the goal of the ritual, and
read over the petition you plan to use.

Now, summon Astaroth, saying her common ENN three times.
Tasa Alora foren Ashtaroth
Tasa Alora foren Ashtaroth
Tasa Alora foren Ashtaroth
Astaroth, Daemon of Power
Astaroth, Daemon of Wealth
I ask that you join with me in my space
Be with me! Commune with me!
Astaroth, it is my deepest desire that —
Read your petition
Astaroth, I ask that you bring to me what I have requested in
this petition 

Glorious Astaroth, mighty ruler of wealth and abundance,
I invoke your presence and seek your divine guidance.
Grant me the wisdom and insight to attract financial prosperity,
To manifest abundance in all areas of my life.

Bless me with opportunities and success in my endeavors,
May my efforts be fruitful and my resources multiply.
With your powerful influence, I call forth the energy of wealth,
May it flow to me effortlessly and abundantly.

Astaroth, I humbly ask for your assistance in achieving financial stability,
To live a life of abundance and prosperity.
I offer my gratitude for your guidance and support,
And I trust in your divine wisdom to bless me with wealth.
So mote it be.


Hail Astaroth, glorious demoness of beauty and desire,
You reign supreme with your seductive fire.
Your power enchants and captivates the soul,
Drawing us closer to our deepest desires, whole.

In your presence, passions ignite and desires ignite,
You grant us the strength to embrace our true light.
With your guidance, we unlock our inner flame,
Embracing our sensuality without shame.

Oh Astaroth, we praise your enticing allure,
Your wisdom and knowledge, forever pure.
You teach us the secrets of pleasure and delight,
Guiding us through the shadows of the night.

We honor your grace, your beauty, and your might,
With reverence, we bask in your enchanting light.
We offer our devotion, our loyalty so true,
Hail Astaroth, we sing our praises to you.

May your blessings flow, like a river divine,
Empowering us to embrace our desires, sublime.
In your name, we praise and honor your might,
Astaroth, forever shining, in darkness and light.




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