Goddess Hecate

 Terrifying mistress of the night and witchcraft, with serpents in her hair and a torch in her hands, surrounded by howling hounds.... she is Hecate. Hecate possessed many aspects and many powers. Often her cults referred to the concept of life and death, the mystical transformation through death and rebirth. She ruled the earth, the sky and the sea, and she also decided about human fates. Her worshippers prayed to her for happiness, wealth and prosperity.

Hecate was viewed as a goddess of darkness and death. It was believed that she appeared at night at the crossroads, accompanied by dogs, ghouls and wraiths. She could assume a terrifying shape, wandered around graveyards and heralded misfortune to all who saw her. Hecate was often seen in desolate places: on tops of mountains, in the depth of forests, and in forgotten groves. Her kingdom was that of wild animals: hounds, wolves, dears, and serpents. Her witchcraft often included mysteries of transformation into a beast, a practice resembling the shamanic tradition of shape-shifting.

Hecate was, above all, the patroness of witches and the goddess of dark magic. She endowed them with the power over the forces of nature, revealed the secrets of herbs, and taught how to prepare magical potions. Hecate was also the mistress of necromancy and funeral magic. To her followers she appeared with torches in her hands, or in an animal shape - a mare, hound, or wolf. Hecate was also associated with the moon and thus considered a goddess of moonlight. Hecate is the goddess of all crossroads, gazing in three directions at the same time. In ancient times, sorcerers gathered at crossroads to pay homage to her. Three-headed statues of her were set up at many road intersections, and secret rites were performed under the full moon to appease her. Statues of Hecate carrying torches or swords were also erected in front of homes to keep evil spirits at bay.

I call to you, keeper of the secret keys; 

Mistress of the Nightside; Goddess of all Witchcraft;

 I call to you Hecate; Hear me say your name;

 You are the goddess of the Crossroads; 

Witch flame, Queen of old; 

If your reading this blog it obviously  means that you are feeling a connection with Hecate or maybe you can feel the calling of the goddess. 

Ritual  to know goddess Hecate 

- 3 candles [ 2 white , 1 black candle ] 

- incense [ sandalwood ] 

- an image of Hecate

 light the candles and offer this prayer 

I call to you, keeper of the secret keys;

 Mistress of the Nightside; Goddess of all Witchcraft;

 I call to you Hecate; Hear me say your name;

 You are the goddess of the Crossroads; 

Witch flame, Queen of old; Through Lunar Gates I seek you;

 Lady of shadow-lands; In Night’s Circle, I stand alone; 

As Follower and Lover; Offered unto you; Let me feel your Dark embrace;

 O green-eyed Queen of Hell.

I invoke you oh dark goddess 

Sit in silence for a few minutes. If thoughts pop up, let them drift away. Sometimes, people expect a specific experience, thinking the goddess's words must be loud and profound. This can happen, but more often the work is quiet and the gods' voices are muted. Ultimately, they will come through dreams, moments of synchronicity, or a personal revelation or understanding. 

Keep praying  this prayer for a week, this should help you create a bond with goddess Hecate.

Blessed be.

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