Break a Hex or a Curse
If you believe you have been the target of a hex or a curse, or even if you
just suspect it, this spell will break it.
2 cups sea salt
A bundle of dried white sage, with a dish to catch burning embers
An image of the Hindu goddess Kali (a statue, a framed picture, or even a
postcard picture or a picture printed out from the internet)
A black candle and holder
Copal incense and holder
A mala, preferably with black beads (prayer beads with 108 beads and a
tassel, available online and at many import and metaphysical supply
The day after a full moon, draw a warm or hot bath. Dissolve the sea salt in
the water and soak for at least forty minutes, being sure to stay hydrated
with plenty of drinking water.
Dry off and dress in clean white clothes, or don’t wear anything at all.
Light the sage bundle so it’s smoking like incense, and safely smudge
yourself by letting the smoke thoroughly waft around your body and energy
field. (Be sure to hold the dish under the bundle to catch any burning
embers.) Then smudge your entire home, moving in a counterclockwise
direction through each room and area.
Create a small altar to Kali by lighting the candle and incense near her
image. Sit comfortably in front of the altar, possibly on a cushion, with your
spine relatively straight. Take some deep breaths and relax. When you feel
ready, chant to Kali, using the prayer beads to keep count.
Start by chanting one time:
Then once per bead, for a total of 108 times, chant:
Om Klim Kalika-Yei Namaha.
Then chant one final time:
Drape the mala around your neck. Allow the incense to burn all the way
down, then extinguish the candle. You should already be well on your way
to a completely neutralized curse, but just for good measure, relight the
candle and repeat the chant again each day until the new moon. Also wear
the mala as much as you can until you’re sure the hex is completely out of
your energy field.