Just her name evokes a great number of visions, emotions, legends, concepts, and ideas. Perhaps, one of the most well-known and worshiped divinity inside Left-Hand Path. For some, she is a demoness, for others a goddess and for most of us both. Lilith is a quite complex divinity with a variety of aspects, masks, and manifestation, but also interpretations. This is because she is a dynamic entity, always transforming and with the pass of time, each initiated finds in her different powers, new personalities and an unique wisdom in each of her manifestations.


She had and still has a great influence, not only in magic but also in other areas such as mythology, psychology, feminism, the movies, music, literature, and astrology. Here I won’t analyze all of these influences because it’s out of this book, but all are interesting things to be investigated by the reader. It’s understandable that Lilith has been having all of these influences because is her who inspires passion in people, she’s the one who awakes the curiosity, tempting us to go beyond of the limits. One of the most known legends of Lilith is she as the first wife of Adan, before Eve. The legend says that Lilith refused to be surmised to Adan in the sexual intercourse. From the complaints of Adan to God, he looked for Lilith be obedient to her husband and pleased him, but Lilith denied this and left the Garden of Eden. This led her directly to the Carven in the Costs of the Red Seas, on where she got a new life with the demons which dwelled there. This idea leads us that Lilith chose self-saved, left the security of Eden, disobeyed the laws of man and God and enter beyond the knowledge, which allowed her self-deification

Lilith has a close relationship with sexuality and through her sexual alchemy, it’s possible to learn how to transform the biological pulses into spiritual desires. She’s the mother of the demons, the mistress of abortions and miscarriage. Because she’s a moon Goddess, part of her mysteries rest in the power of blood and menstruation in women. The idea of reject of the biological unconsciousness pulse to become it in a metaphysic desire, just could be achieved killing this pulse first. This is in the programming that many human beings have, which says that we born to reproduce, grow and then die. This is an endless cycle which leads us to the nothingness, it’s a nihilist process, far away of what Lilith can teach.


This is a seductress mask, which invites to eat the Fruit of Knowledge to free the spirit and achieve a real progress to self-salvation. Lilith in her snake shape teaches us how to manipulate the reality in where we are. She teaches the power of seduction, the shape-shifting the use of astral poison, which could be used to attack an enemy or to destroy the obstacles in our path. The options are many, it’s just a matter of let the Goddess teaches us her gnosis.


For the following ritual, you need some candles, one black and one dark green, some incense such as sandalwood, dragon’s blood or a mix of both. You ritual chalice with red wine or another red drink which represent the menstrual blood of the Goddess. Also, you need some sharp element or a nail, to drop some of your blood on the sigil. Put all these elements in your altar, you can add an image, statue or representation of Lilith and any other element that you want to

, take your time in this step and then say mentally or aloud as a mantra: “Lilith, Snake Goddess, come.” Try to attune yourself with the energies of the Goddess, open your mind and flow with the experience. When you feel ready, raise your ritual dagger and begin with the invocation:

In Nomine Draconis! 

In Nomine Nox! 

That the ritual begins!

Lilith, Old Serpent, I call you, you who denied the Eden and 

gave the man the gnosis of self-salvation and free him from the 

ignorance. Open you Black Womb, therein where Leviathan 

rest and release the powers of the Dragon, the one who will 

burn with its fire the obstacles in my path.

Lilith, annihilate my weakness, my fears, and my doubts. That 

the Fire of the Dragon becomes in a torch which illuminates my 

Path to the deepest of the Abyss of the Night.

Ho Ophis Ho Archaios!

Lilith, eternal seductress, you who chosen the path of freedom 

and challenged the Warriors of Gods, teach the path to the 

eternity and give the force and the will to walk the path without 

doubts. Let me taste your poison kiss, the one which destroys 

the illusion and reveal the true image of the world.

Ho Ophis Ho Archaios!

Lilith, Serpent of Fire, burn the barriers between the worlds and 

open the portal to the Realms of Infinite Night. That this ritual 

awakes the power of the Dragon within me, the old source of 


I call you Lilith to this temple of flesh!

After saying the first part of the invocation, drop some of your blood in 

the sigil and in the red wine. Drink the elixir visualizing the liquid is the 

Goddess’ Blood. Feel her power and when you feel ready to continue, 

raise your dagger one more time and continue with the invocation:

I (magical name) drink from your Unholy Chalice Snake 

Goddess, I drink your Blood and become in a living vessel of 

your current.

I am Lilith, the Snake Goddess, the Old Gorgon, the one 

who destroys the veils of illusions, whose touch dissolve 

the worlds. My kiss awakens life and burns the desire for 

spiritual transcendence. I am the Goddess which seduces, 

the one who temps with power and wisdom

I am Lilith, the Snake Goddess! 

 Ho Ophis Ho Archaios!

 Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

After saying the invocation, put your focus one more time in the sigil, you can say the name of the Goddess as a mantra. Open yourself to the experience, let the communion with the Dark Goddess, the visions, feeling or any other thing flows naturally and don’t force the experience. Repeat the invocation as much as you need, even in different days. When you feel the experience has finished, say goodbye to Lilith with some kind and spontaneous words, thank her presence and what you experienced in the ritual. Finally, you can make some empowerment exercise of your aura and Chakras and then blow out the candles.

You can also connect with Lilith by chanting her enns  - 

opening prayer


I invoke you, I adore you, I desire you
Goddess of darkness, illuminate my temple in
black light
Kindle in me the excitement of the flesh under
domain of the mind.
Great Mother, sister, lover, give me the cup
of Knowledge.
I am drunk from your breast, I take hold of your
Timeless abyss, you destroy my fears revealing
the secret knowledge
Unleash your legions against my enemies.
Lady, initiate me in the mysterious magic under
the wing of your black cloak.
Consume me in your embrace, in the swirling
starry Horizon.

ENN CHANTING - " Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach"

check out my YouTube -


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