BUNE - the Grand Duke of Hell

 Bune, also known as Bime or Bimé, is a powerful demon mentioned in the Ars Goetia, which is a section of the Lesser Key of Solomon, a grimoire of ceremonial magic. Bune is described as a Duke of Hell, appearing in the form of a dragon with three heads: one like a dog, one like a griffin, and one like a man. He has the ability to grant wealth, bring prosperity, and bestow financial abundance upon those who invoke him.

Bune is known as the Demon of Wealth and Fortune, and he is revered for his ability to assist in matters related to money, business, and financial success. He is believed to have an affinity for treasure and can reveal hidden riches or opportunities for wealth accumulation. By establishing a connection with Bune, practitioners of demon magick seek to tap into his energy and invoke his aid in their financial endeavors.

It is important to approach Bune with respect and caution, as he is a powerful entity associated with the underworld. Proper rituals, invocations, and offerings may be used to establish a working relationship with Bune and seek his assistance in manifesting prosperity and abundance in one's life.


Oh mighty Bune, Duke of Hell,
Master of wealth and prosperity,
I come before you with reverence and respect,
Seeking your guidance and assistance.

Bune, I invoke your presence and power,
As I embark on my journey to financial success.
Grant me the wisdom to make wise decisions,
The strength to overcome obstacles,
And the vision to recognize opportunities.

Bune, I ask for your aid in attracting wealth,
Opening the doors to abundance and prosperity.
Help me uncover hidden treasures and resources,
And guide me towards fruitful ventures.

With your assistance, Bune, I trust in my ability
To create a life of financial freedom and stability.
I commit to using my resources wisely,
Sharing my blessings with others,
And walking the path of prosperity with integrity.

Hail Bune, demon of wealth and fortune,
I offer my gratitude for your presence.
May your blessings flow abundantly in my life,
And may I always honor and respect your power.

In your name, Bune, I pray.
So mote it be.

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