Azazel, a powerful demon, is highly involved in sex magick and sexual rituals. It is completely fine to engage in sexual activities in conjunction with Azazel, as he is associated with sex magick.

By engaging in sexual practices with a demon, we can potentially derive various benefits. These include the manifestation of wealth and the fulfillment of our desires. Additionally, it is believed that such practices can enhance astral travel and elevate our psychic abilities.


Mighty Azazel, powerful and revered,

I call upon your presence, may you be near.

Grant me your strength, your wisdom, and might,

Guide me on this journey, through day and night.

Azazel, demon of knowledge and desire,

I seek your guidance, set my spirit on fire.

Open the gates of hidden wisdom and truth,

Illuminate my path, renew my youth.

With your infernal flame, ignite my will,

Unleash my power, let it be fulfilled.

Grant me the courage to face life's test,

And in your name, I am eternally blessed.

Azazel, I offer my devotion and respect,

In your presence, I humbly reflect.

Accept this prayer, my heartfelt plea,

Azazel, I invoke you, so mote it be.

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